Friday, September 5, 2008

Errand of Angels

So I went to the movie the Errand of Angels last night...I was a bit skeptical about going because it looked pretty cheesy and I had heard that it wasn't the greatest. I'm not sure that I would recommend paying 7 bucks to see it, but I still thought it was worth seeing. I actually ended up liking it. I thought it had a really good message. It talked alot about loving others. I think that everyone needs to learn how to love others better. The main girl had a mission companion that she could just not get along with, but once she started looking at her with love and as someone special they started to love and appreciate each other. If we constantly look for the negative in people that is what we will see, but if we look for the positive then we will see that everyone has good in them, and if we see that positive they will continue to become better and better people to us! I want to make it a goal to really try and find the good in everyone no matter how much they drive me crazy!


Mel Bernard said...

I am so happy you started a blog!! I like your slide show... it made me think about my fun collage days!!

Jarv n Mand said...

Hey ash! I'm a lil disappointed that you don't have any action shots of you coachin... but whatev! jk So I really like that first song that is playin on your blog; never heard it before!

Lacy said...

yes it is woffle ball so shut it! ha ha ha, you know you offer so much insight. Thanks for inspiring me to be a better person and sister

Moke said...

HEY Hey! I got your comment on my blog, and decided to drop by yours! I totally remember the Garth and Wayne thing! And everytime I hear someone sing "I like to ride my bicycle" I think of you! Glad you found me so we can keep in youch

J&J said...

CCCOOOUUSSSIIINNN!! I love your blog and love you! I sure miss our fun times in sports, you always made me laugh. I'm sure I made you laugh more since I'm the funniest cousin...LOL:)