Monday, March 1, 2010

Oh the places the Tan Fan has been....

Soo...lots of pics and I can't figure out how to write next to each one. So hopefully you'll get the gist for each one. This last weekend so was sooo much fun! I absolutely love spending time with my family and watching my little brother play basketball. He is such a talented athlete and fun to watch. This weekend was state basketball and his team ended up taking 4th, which is pretty good, I am very proud of him! After Thursday's win, me and Lace were catching the emery fever and tanner pride haha, so we decided that night to go all out for their next game, since they were playing to see who would go to the championship game. So we made some way sweeet t-shirts, too bad we didn't take pics of us in them that was dumb! But all of the siblings had a t-shirt with tanner's number and something else on it, such as i'm a tan fan, tan is the man, we love tan, "poke", "roni", etc..we also decided to make what we like to call the "Tan Fan". we blew up a 8 by 10 of tanner's head and taped it to a ruler. Everytime Tan did something good in the game we would wave the Tan fan at him, it was HILarious! and a big hit I might add. We had alot of fun Thursday with the Tan fan and took him all around Provo..we definitely weirded some cars out by sticking it out the window while passing...So here is some of the different places the Tan fan has been..

First, with me (co-creator)
Taking a nap with Edward (
chilling with Maddie (aka #1 fan, that was her shirt we made, she also had fun coloring on it)
Grandma loves tan fan
Even Tan Fan has to do the vacuuming
Tan Fan just chilling by the fish tank
Tan Fan loves the hot tub (never mind me in the swim suit please eew)
Need a Tan Fan for lunch?? Just pack it in your sack. easy access
Tan Fan is exhausted and needs a nap
What the? Tan Fan in the microwave
Tan Fan loves Hampton Inn
and Last Tan Fan with Lace (co-creator)


Lacy said...

hahahaha i love it! what a fun weekend and now another weekend of fun coming up!

John and Ashley said...

That is so cute. I love getting in to the games. College looks like fun. I remember those days even though they were a long time ago.

Misty Call said...

Haha! That is so stinkin funny! I wish I could have seen the t-shirts and Tan Fan in person, but it sounds pretty dang awesome!

Fielder Family said...

I love how creative you guys are!! Very Cute and Very Funny!!

Mel Bernard said...

I seriously get a kick out of all your posts!!!

Jarv n Mand said...

Haha! Very funny! I'm sure TanTan loved it also! Maddie also looks very cute in her shirt!

Reminds me of the life size Cody at my wedding!