Monday, December 7, 2009

Finals Week!!! :)

YAY! It's finals week...good and bad news about finals. Good, semester is almost over and I am so ready for this semester to be over with (18 credits of some pretty hard classes was not the best idea!) But Bad news...18 credits worth of finals haha...kinda stressful! I've been working super hard this semester to keep up in all of my classes and I feel like I've been doing pretty good. This semester has almost burnt me out of school completely, but i'm just about done..It seriously has flown by, time just goes way to fast for me. End of semesters are always the hardest because thats when professors decide to pile everything on! (because the rest of the semester was soo easy right? haha) So if I can just make it through this next week I will be golden!


Jarv n Mand said...

Good luck with your finals! Definitely don't miss those...

Lacy said...

you will never be golden...sorry your skin is much too pale