Wednesday, May 13, 2009

July 11

SO I registered to take the pharmacy tech test today! So my test date is July 11th, at 8 a.m.! I'm excited to take it, but a little nervous..I know there is a lot I need to know and I haven't started studying yet..OOPS.SO I gave myself 2 months to get myself ready. It'll be really nice to have my tech license to help work my way through school. It'll be a job I can find anywhere and always something to fall back on. So lets hope I pass!


Lacy said...

I didnt know you've signed up for your test already. Good luck, you're going to need it. HAHAHA jk

LuAnn said...

Hey Cousin! Following in my footsteps - I am SO proud! JK You are going to do such a good job - you will totally ace the test!!!

Lacy said...

those two cartoon characters look just like you and uncle boyd.

Lacy said...

I'm pretty sure you would kill someone if you made a pill discrepancy

Lacy said...

Are you really going through with this madness? I don't think its right for you

Lacy said...

You'll never make it as a pharmacy tech you poser. Quit trying to be mom.

Lacy said...

PS i just had to type in infreco for the security word. Now siones

Lacy said...

Now nongless. Who comes up with these words? I'd like to meet that person. Im sure they ensue in interesting convo.

Lacy said...

So if you + pharmacy tech=money, count me out.

Lacy said...

Im pretty sure you did not get my permission to put pics of Maddie on your blog. I therefore will take legal action and take all your funds even though they are depleted. You will never get them back making pharmacy tech wages.

Jarv n Mand said...

I think I laughed harder at Lacy's comments than anything else! haha jk! Good luck on the test and it's so true that being a Tech would open up some job opps... In fact, we are hiring for a Tech at Target right now!

bjmdonan said...

i had know idea thats what you were going for! well good luck if im not too late im sure that you will do great! how are ya by the way?